The Pre–Teen / Teen program provides members ages 11–18 opportunities designed to help build character, career development, community and civic involvement and aides in the development of social and life skills.

Torch Club

Ages 11-13

Students between the ages of 11-13 are eligible to join the Torch Club. This group of young active volunteers follows the footsteps of their big brothers and sisters in the Keystone Club, fundraising, setting up events and gaining experience in the work field.

As junior volunteers, members of the Torch Club extend their time back to the community as well as maintain an understanding of service to the Club.

Keystone Club

Ages 14-18

High school teens between the ages of 14-18 are eligible and have the opportunity to join the Keystone Club; a national organization that is partnered with Boys & Girls Club of America that incorporates three pillars of success and achievement: Academic Success, Career Preparation, and Community Service.

With involvement inside and out of the Boys & Girls Club, the teens learn to utilize their skills networking with other organizations and volunteer their time giving back to the community, as well as attaining fundraising and cash handling skills.

As young leaders and mentors of the Boys & Girls Club, the Keystone Club aim to impact a positive influence towards the younger members of the Boys & Girls Club.

Youth of the Year

Sponsored by the Reader’s Digest Foundation, the National Youth of the Year Program is designed to promote and recognize service to Club and community, academic performance and contributions to family and spiritual life.

Competition begins with each Club selecting a Youth of the Year who receives a certificate and medallion then enters state competition.

Youth of the Year candidates must be members of the Club for at least two years prior to applying for YOY.

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